Category: Website

News about the website, general maintenance, and the like

Website (re)construction

My web hosting decided to “gift me” a “free server upgrade” instead of letting me handle the upgrade myself. And predictably, everything blew up, site became inacccessible and unmanageable, and everything was almost lost....

End of year

What a year it’s been! Some people have been going back to classes in person, although I haven’t. I have, however, restarted online classes with my teacher Mai ( ) , and focused...

Time to restart this

Today I got a WordPress update notification, and when I came here to do it, realised it’s been over a year since my last post. Ooops. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’ve...


It’s been a while since I’ve done a bit of a general update. The dancing side of things was quite busy; I did a 6 week course with my Suhaila-trained ATS teacher, to learn...

Calendar fixed!

As I said last week, the WordPress update required an upgrade to the calendar script, and that upgrade broke the whole thing. It took two further updates from WordPress released in the last 72...