Time to restart this
Today I got a WordPress update notification, and when I came here to do it, realised it’s been over a year since my last post. Ooops.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’ve stopped dancing, quite the contrary. It’s that I’ve been so busy dancing that I had little time to write about it. I’d be in class or in a great workshop and I would think “I need to write about this”. And then I would get home and relax and leave it for later.
So, what I’ve been up to? I’ve kept on both my ATS and Tribal Fusion classes topped up with selected Oriental workshops, took part in the Masmoudi Student Troupe with several public performances, attended Tribal Remix where I took the intensive with Jill Parker, and Infusion Emporium where I took two of Heather Stant’s classes. I also sadly got Achilles tendonitis again (more on that, and what I am doing about it, later), and have done a few extra costume items that I will hopefully write about.
Plans for this year are mostly focusing on the Masmoudi anniversary project, although I have a couple of choreographies that are bouncing around and I need to finish. I’ve signed up for the Tribal Remix intensive with Rachel Brice and Mardi Love in September, and will finally take that intensive with Violet Scrap and Hilde.
Working within the Masmoudi student troupe was great, hugely beneficial to my dancing, but also very rewarding personally, as all the ladies are great. So much so, that when the Masmoudi tenth anniversary project opened up for this year, I signed up immediately. We will be parading in Brighton for the Kemptown Carnival, and performing at the Tribal Remix Student Showcase in September this year. And in the meantime, I’ll leave you with our performance last year at Tribal Remix in Brighton.