The Boring Stuff
What do I mean with the *boring stuff*? It’s simply all the little things that have to do with dancing, but we often leave on the side, ignore or just don’t bother finding out...
What do I mean with the *boring stuff*? It’s simply all the little things that have to do with dancing, but we often leave on the side, ignore or just don’t bother finding out...
Events / FCBD®Style / Fusion / Performances
by Ana · Published May 31, 2024 · Last modified June 3, 2024
If you would like to catch me or my friends dancing live this summer, you are in luck! In June my friends from the Southampton Belly Dance Collective will be dancing at Harry Paye...
The awesome ladies of Tessera Dance showcasing their manton dialect. As far as I understand, this is *not* the same dialect as that of the Siren Project in Poland, but developed independently. Still looks...
It’s that time of the year again and we’ve got the music selection to vote on. And as usual, I’ve got thoughts. I am writing this assuming lyrics were checked for each song and...
While I have made a few skirts for myself in the past, I’ve been wanting a more classical mermaid shape for a while. Mostly because the pattern I was using had a train on...
Eye candy / Fusion / Inspiration / Performances
by Ana · Published March 29, 2024 · Last modified March 7, 2024
The 2020 global debacle brought a lot of grief to dancers worldwide, but one *good* thing that came out of that were the performance festivals and shows. The videos shown in the later have...